Ever Gold Sofà was constituted 22 years ago in the heart of Vibrata Valley thanks to the determination and professional experience of the founders. The constant and fast growth on the market of Ever products brought the enterprise to a radical transformation from small handicraf enterprise to an industrial one, with a diffusion of its product on the whole national territory, isles included, and than also on the international market.
Since 90', the increasing concurrence and the requirements ofhigh qualitative production confirms the enormous potential of the enterprise which is able in a few years to multiply its budget.
The new productive dimensions brought about the need to reach new goals without hanging on the attained results.
Our capillary diffusion on the whole national territory thanks to a tight network of expert and trained consultants allows all of you to directly verify the reasons of the constant succes of our production.
Our philosophy is to give everyone the possibility to experiment the comfortableness and the elegance of Ever production.